The Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation (SERDEF) and Rex Book Store will be working together on the design of entrepreneurship-enriched learning materials for children and production of teaching materials, such as manuals and workbooks for teachers in Grades 11-12 of the basic education program.
SERDEF Vice President, Herminia R. Fajardo, with SERDEF Trustees Serenidad Lavador and Paz Diaz have met with Sam Baltazar, REX Book Store General Manager for Publishing, and Vangie Encabo, Rex Book Store Instructional Product Designer to discuss details of the collaboration. It will begin with the publication and dissemination by Rex Book Store of one of the modules of the SERDEF book Windows to Entrepreneurship: A Teaching Guide. Module II of the book focuses on the behavioral aspects of the entrepreneur such as his/her entrepreneurial characteristics and competencies, among others.
Another major area of collaboration will be the production of learning modules on enterprise education for children based on the results of an action research on enterprise education for the young carried out by SERDEF Trustee for three years, with Trustee Angelita Resurreccion as the principal researcher. — Leda Adelina Beltran