Freelancing 101


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The freelance niche is a growing one in the Philippine economy.  It is not just because it makes good economic  sense for a company to hire on contract but more so because freelancing can be  the best  and most practical career option for some individuals. 

For an employer, freelance hiring allows hefty savings in manpower expenses.  

A freelance employee is necessarily on contract, meaning he is not in the regular payroll.  The implications are numerous.  Contractual employees need not be registered with the Social Security System , PhilHealth and other governmentagencies.  They are not entitled to mandatory sick and vacation leaves, 13th monrh pay, maternity pay, separation pay and other benefits.

Employer’s risk is minimized .  Freelance employees generally do not have the right to sue for harassment or discrimination.  If they are found to be less than satisfactory workers, they are easier to terminate and replace. 

Companies can also find in the growing and diversifying freelance pool the most unique worker to meet their most unique needs.

For the freelance employee, going freelance is not necessarily the inferior choice.  More and more people are going the freelance route because it is the most practical  option.

The best part of freelancing is in being in control.  A freelancer can control his workload.  He can decide when enough is enough.  He can say “No” to projects he is not comfortable to take. 

Other advantages:  freelancers get to control their work relationships, get as much days off and  hours off as they  need, and avoid the daily commute which in places like Metro Manila can be one great relief.. 

  • To be continued –

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